London Through a Disposable Camera

Last year, I visited London for the first time. My best friend is living there so I went to spend Christmas and New Year's Eve with her. 

Let me tell you, my expectations were high and when I got there I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. I don't blame the city but I guess a lot of people (included me) fantasize about London in a way that it couldn’t possibly meet the reality. However, this feeling started to vanish a few days after and I was able to see the city through a much more sober look. Yes, London absolutely has its magic but also has its downs and as soon you understand that, you are ready to blossom your passion with this city. I spent a couple of days walking by myself and realized that the ambience can make you feel a little blue. Have someone felt this? I think it's because of the climate and the inherent rush London has. I imagine one can feel lonely over there.

      In retrospective, I see that those were the aspects I loved about London: realizing that London has so much more behind that cool status everyone talks about and that it can be quiet cruel and rough just like any other city. 

      Here some pictures I took:

Winter Wonderland



Leicester Square(taken with my phone)

Chinatown (taken with my phone)

 So, sorry for putting you in a pedestal and congratulations on being a kick-ass city! Also, totally Instagram material, am I right? ;)


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